pondělí 6. srpna 2012


Curiosity has landed on the Red planet.

I am moved, impressed...
While reading the article in a newspaper, I transposed my mind to a very special planet called "my childhood"...

As a kid, I used to be incredibly fascinated by astronomy and cosmonautics, and yes, I wanted to be a cosmonette...

As far as I remember,  this profession captivated nearly one third of my classmates at that time, the rest of them were all for dustmen, firemen and princesses, naturally. 
Anyway, here's one thing, I can recall really brightly. 
At that time, except that I was astonished by everything concerning space, stars and cosmonautics, I was also deeply convinced, that everything out there must be much BETTER than on our planet. I was simply sure, that there is another earthlike planet. And LIFE. I took it for granted...
Since I was really a small child, it was crystal clear and pure thought....

Not that I would have lost my enthusiasm for cosmonautics, I've just opted for a little bit different kind of career and almost forgot about that childish dream and pure belief.

Today, the absurdity and foolishness have come to light....
While reading about Curiosity, there was a moment, which probably didn't last a split-second, however, in that moment, I felt exactly the same way as I used to feel as a child. 
I was sure that there must be another earthlike planet better than ours and I was thinking of it as if it could be the place where I would finally find the peace...

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