čtvrtek 9. října 2014

friendship first, please

Unlike a variety of other relationships, friendship requires an acknowledgement by both parties that they are involved or it fails to exist.

One can admire someone who is completely unaware of our admiration, and the integrity of that admiration is not lost; one may even employ someone without knowing who it is specifically one employs; one may be related to a great-aunt whom one has never met (and may fail ever to meet).  And one may,  of course,  fall in love with someone without the beloved being aware of it or reciprocating the love at all.
And in all these cases, the relationships are still what they are, whatever the attitude of the other person in them: they are relationships of admiration, business, family, or love. But friendship is different. 
Friendship uniquely requires mutual self-knowledge and will. It takes  two competent, willing people to be friends. You cannot impose a friendship on someone, although you can impose a crush, a lawsuit, or an obsession.
If friendship is  not reciprocated, it simply ceases to exist or, rather, it never existed in the first place

Love affairs need immense energy, they demand a total commitment and a capacity for pain. Friendship, in contrast, merely needs tending. Although it is alive, a living, breathing thing, and can suffer from neglect, friendship can be left for a while without terrible consequences. Because it is built on the accumulation of past experiences, and not the fickle and vulnerable promise of future ones, it has a sturdiness that love may often lack, and an undemonstrative beauty that love would walk heedlessly past.

Andrew Sullivan

úterý 2. září 2014


Look at what I saw as a first thing on Monday /and then Tuesday morning. Would you be able to spot the difference? #IthinkIneedaholiday to recover from that...

úterý 22. července 2014

it bewilders you too #chaotic stream of thoughts that're driving me crazy

Sitting in front of my screen, watching and reading the latest news, I can't count up how often I have to stop myself from screaming out loudly what the fuck! The number of people suffering from war and terror seems to be so high that even though we are not all involved, I consider it to be a world war. The world against itself. 

I can’t get the slightest idea how much do people suffer in these places, how could I, I am safely hidden in one of the most peaceful part of this world, but I know for sure, there should be no difference being made between suffering of 270 civilians killed in Syria and 298 western civilians killed in that shot down plane. Yet, when you turn on your radio or TV, the differences are significant and obvious. The scale and extensity of news provided and dedicated to those two cases which took place during one day, were rather uneven. It makes me angry, sad and confused. Especially because it lacks respect for humanity in all senses there are.

In times like these I ponder much more intensively about what could I do about this? How could I contribute to bringing the peace into areas like Gaza, Sudan or Syria? Surprisingly, I haven’t found out yet. Once, I had a dream that I was a high UN official, (weird, hah;-) there was some terrible crisis going on
 and in that dream, I invited all the politicians and UN experts under one roof, into the heart of the crisis, I locked them up and told them, I would not let them go until they find a solution which would do away with the crisis.
A silly, foolish way of thinking, I agree. Obviously, these people can’t do away with those crises otherwise there would not be any. However, that is not a human nature what is driving the dreadful conflicts of this world, that'd be a lame excuse! The human nature might seemingly have more layers, though I am certain that the truly real is the one, in which you don’t kill your neighbor as if nothing happens.

I have no solution to these disasters; neither was it my ambition to ever come up with any, I’m no smart enough for that. Only can I remind of an idea concerning the way we could raise the coming generations. When I was in Kyrgyzstan, listening to stories of people, who lost their kids, relatives or friends in the riots, I realized one thing. It all starts with children. Sure, t
he children have to be told the truth and the history, but it should be in the way which make them realize they only want to live the future and not the past anymore. The peaceful future, not the bloody past. 

I can guarantee you one thing. Half of the Gaza population now is under the age of 18. If you go and bomb them as kids, you can be sure, they will be full of hatred, resentment and anger for the rest of their life and they will retell their own past to their kids through the stories full of mortal enemies. And this vicious circle will never come to an end.

We have to dig deeper to get to the good layer of humans. We have to work very hard to become better human beings, but tell me, is there a better reason making the hard work reasonable than children having a chance to play soccer on the beach without a danger of being killed by an old neighbor?

An upset idealist.

čtvrtek 13. března 2014

when 2 times 1 makes 11 in my head

The feeling when you're standing in front of the stage, the music's playing, the band's really enjoying their performance, they're smiling, people are screaming with excitement, dancing, storming the stage, the sound's excellent and everyone there just loves the show BUT YOU.