neděle 19. května 2013

could you, please, explain me?

What is that part of men's nature that makes them think a woman is someone who is only capable of taking minutes, translating documents, just simply doing all the work they would not bother with?

What is that stupid part of women's nature that makes us persuaded, that we cannot (shouldnt) fight for ourselves and deep deep inside makes us go with what our mothers once told us - always be NICE?

Those two questions are based on my recent personal research among my friends and co-workers. I am not complaining, I am simply asking for explanation.

Apparently, most of the men I know are not aware of their modus operandi until I explain and describe it...same thing with women..
So after I'd seen them all nodding and confirming what I was talking about, I had to ask> what does make us behave these ways?

The answer could be - it is the place we live in. The countries of western Europe are much more developed in the respect of gender equality issues. Are they? Truly? I think so. Even though the process of gender equalization's started there as an imposed one, it was simply a qestion of a law acceptance ...a law which became natural to people  after while, I guess.

Well, I have been waiting here..., the law addressing gender equality was implemented  three years ago in Czech and I cant see even  a slight improvement, not at all.

Sitting with 18 people (5 women) people in the room the other day. I had the opportunity to observe, how do men react on the gender inequality issues in this country.
As one of them was asking for cooperation in the project which would attract more women to the environmental research, a half of the men in that room started laughing... some of them said that there was no benefit of having more women in that particular field of research ....And  women? They were sitting there, being ....all NICE...

I have this kind of experience on daily basis. I am not saying I know the solution. I want to say only one thing. Men should once try to find out more about what are the obstacles for women to get our dream jobs, dream results, our dream salaries and dream reputation.

It can be very easily you, gentlemen!

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