neděle 31. března 2013


I wanna go out and see the SUN! Streets flourishing and parks being all green.
Wanna hear birds singing when I  wake up in the morning. Ride my bike and watch guys being all axcited as they look  at the girls wearing short skirts again.
Wanna take care of my small garden on the balcony, drink my morning cup of coffee there and feel the midday sun warming every inch of my body. 
Wanna sit on the patio of my fav café with my friends all night and complain about this summer to be way too hot.

Two days ago, I said to my friend:"Ok, that's it. If I see another snowflake again, I am going to move out of this country"
Here I am, after two days of constant snowing, trying to chose a new place I wanna live in....

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