úterý 14. srpna 2012

@ last week remindings...# who says what...

some say about me...
you are way too tough and self-willed.
I am. I gotta be. Experience has taught me. 
that is the only way how to overcome all of these shitty situations coming in my way, isn't it...?

Chinese say...
your biggest enemy is yourself...
I have been living with this bearing it on my mind for a pretty long time. That's necessary, but!!!
I am sure it sounds good vice versa too. Could it be that I'd become my best friend for a while?

Elliott Smith sings...
nobody broke your heart
you broke your own 'cos you can't finish what you start
nobody broke your heart
if you're alone, it must be you that wants to be apart
....try to think about it, please....my recommendation to those who are lost in their thoughts...
Thom Yorke sings...
I don't care what the future holds
cause I'm right here and I'm today
I stick with this.

And he says...
do not analyse everything, woman!
...and he's right @

pondělí 6. srpna 2012


Curiosity has landed on the Red planet.

I am moved, impressed...
While reading the article in a newspaper, I transposed my mind to a very special planet called "my childhood"...

As a kid, I used to be incredibly fascinated by astronomy and cosmonautics, and yes, I wanted to be a cosmonette...

As far as I remember,  this profession captivated nearly one third of my classmates at that time, the rest of them were all for dustmen, firemen and princesses, naturally. 
Anyway, here's one thing, I can recall really brightly. 
At that time, except that I was astonished by everything concerning space, stars and cosmonautics, I was also deeply convinced, that everything out there must be much BETTER than on our planet. I was simply sure, that there is another earthlike planet. And LIFE. I took it for granted...
Since I was really a small child, it was crystal clear and pure thought....

Not that I would have lost my enthusiasm for cosmonautics, I've just opted for a little bit different kind of career and almost forgot about that childish dream and pure belief.

Today, the absurdity and foolishness have come to light....
While reading about Curiosity, there was a moment, which probably didn't last a split-second, however, in that moment, I felt exactly the same way as I used to feel as a child. 
I was sure that there must be another earthlike planet better than ours and I was thinking of it as if it could be the place where I would finally find the peace...

I have never found companion so companionable as solitude

"Society is commonly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other. We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that old musty cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war. We meet at the post-office, and at the sociable, and about the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each other's way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another. Certainly less frequency would suffice for all important and hearty communications..."

Reading Thoreau feels like blessing in the last few days...someone understands me.
No that I haven't been enjoying the company of my closest lately, I have... I only think that the only person with the required and sufficient insight is me, myself...

Also, I read  Potter and Heath concurrently and its seems to me like they criticize this individualistic romanticism of Thoreau way too strongly...

Will see, who is going to win the battle at the end of the week@
Anyway, I am opting for a solutide for a couple of days...