While listening to Riva Starr...
°...watching this video http://www.npr.org/event/music/147566741/eric-harland-and-avishai-cohen-scrap-metal-improv ~ of Avishai Cohen (the trumpeter) reminded me of jazz festival in Brno which I've been looking forward to visiting so MUCH that I postponed my bussines trip to Barcelona to the beginning of May...°
°As "THEY" removed some of my posts from this blog, I am thinking about ACTA again... The message I've got was something like ble bla blu bli, DCMA, bhu beh ban bdi fje and,.... WHATEVER...
I do not support ACTA. I am more than willing to pay for music and movies and other stuff, but give me a reasonable price, good quality and FUCKING FREEDOM to choose, what I want to listen to, where and when I want to do so...°
°Students have been protesting against the reforms in czech education system today...I would appreciate if people here, except attending the protest march, were able to say exactly, what are their points and how to get things done in a different, better way...complaining, complaining....but nobody is able to bring up some kind of new ideas, solution...or at least, constructive critique...°
°If I could!!!! I would force the president of this republic to stop speaking publicly... at any price...seriously°
°...next weekend Merano, Italy...I only wonder, if its a good idea to visit a city of flowers in winter...whatever... its also a spa town, so our old tired bodies will enjoy it for sure...°
°I discovered a wonderful café in my workplace's neighbourhood ~ http://www.facebook.com/kafezastavka....they have lovely bakery too...amazing!°
°...have got back to running after a looooong long time => new running shoes needed...just to retain the motivation°
°...There is one good thing coming with this terrible gelid winter we went through in the last few weeks...We can feel like its spring already, when it gets "only" 10 degrees warmer...I can take some of the extra layers off, ride the bike and be all happy that I do not suffer from spring fever this year...°
°I miss the way people hug in Berlin....coming back soon°
středa 29. února 2012
středa 22. února 2012
Boyfriend went vegan and knocked the bottom out of me....why, PETA, why?
Six years ago, I made a decision to not ever visit the Brno City Theater again. Why?
Every now and then someone gives me a ticket for free...
In 2006, some of my friends working in this theater, were persuading me that this play (Odysseus) was going to be great and they gave me two tickets, so...
In 2006, some of my friends working in this theater, were persuading me that this play (Odysseus) was going to be great and they gave me two tickets, so...
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http://youtu.be/m0vQOnHW0Kc |
We, my boyfriend and me, went to see this play and we couldn't believe what we saw...
It was the element of sexualization permeating the whole play, starting with the script and ending with the clothes the actors were wearing... Moreover, the performance of most of them was pathetic...
The scene was spectacular, but watching the half-naked actress (wearing sexy bikini), singing and dancing the way worse than any random pole-dancer does, just made us sick and we left the performance very soon...
On our way out of that place, we noticed all of their posters hanging on the walls in the courtyard...Every single of them was more or less matching the impression we got from the play we just witnessed...
Having the white paper with the word "SEX" on it, would probably do the same service and it could be much cheaper then (as it is the City of Brno's budget we are talking about here!), I guess...
PETA. The organization I fully support in respect of treating animals...
I don't like this campaign not only because it reminds me of the nightmarrish, overhelmingly sexualized play of the Brno City Theater...
Much more I don't like the way they joined violence, vegan way of life, sex, men in the role of aggressors and women in the role of victims .. altogether in this campaign... I dont like it the most because it does give a freakish impression about vegans too...
There are so many ways better than this one to enghliten people on the way of life without killing or abusing animals...
Thumb down, PETA!
pondělí 20. února 2012
..when my dream comes true...
Ever since I moved to Brno in 2002, I came across an ad for this event every single year ...
Back to 2002 and some years afterwards, I didn't have enough money to buy me a ticket...Later, I didn't have time, so I always missed the opportunity to go there and see it.
This year, I didn't have neither money nor time, but I made it!
...and it was probably the best performance I've ever seen...
Moreover, I was pleased with the fact, that the performance of the National Theater's prima ballerina (Edita Raušerová) was almost as good as the one of the prima ballerina from Saint Peterburg Theater!
I highly recommend everyone to go next year!
B R A V O!
neděle 12. února 2012
DUgONG - which planet is she coming from...?
'Ever since my house burnt down, I see the moon more clearly, I gazed upon the Evens that have fallen in me, I saw Evens that I had held in my hands, but let go, I saw promises I did not keep, Pains I did not sooth,Wounds I did not heal, tears I did not shed,I saw deaths I did not mourn,Prayers I did not answer, doors I did not open, doors I did not close, Lovers I left behind, And dreams I did not live, I saw all that was offered to me, that I could not accept. .''
'Ever since my house burnt down, I see the moon more clearly, I gazed upon the Evens that have fallen in me, I saw Evens that I had held in my hands, but let go, I saw promises I did not keep, Pains I did not sooth,Wounds I did not heal, tears I did not shed,I saw deaths I did not mourn,Prayers I did not answer, doors I did not open, doors I did not close, Lovers I left behind, And dreams I did not live, I saw all that was offered to me, that I could not accept. .''
čtvrtek 9. února 2012
poor dorothy...
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symptom recital
dorothy parker
I do not like my state of mind;
I'm bitter, querulous, unkind.
I hate my legs, I hate my hands,
I do not yearn for lovelier lands.
I dread the dawn's recurrent light
I hate to go to bed at night.
I snoot at simple, earnest folk.
I cannot take the gentlest joke.
I find no peace in paint or type.
My world is but a lot of tripe.
I'm disillusioned, empty-breasted.
For what I think, I'd be arrested.
I am not sick, I am not well.
My quondam dreams are shot to hell.
My soul is crushed, my spirit sore
I do not like me any more.
I cavil, quarrel, grumble, grouse.
I ponder on the narrow house.
I shudder at the thought of men...
I'm due to fall in love again.
středa 8. února 2012
Do we need an ending for something new to begin....?
Often I find myself thinking this way....I feel like I need to see one specific thing coming to its end to be able to begin with a new one...
More often, unfortunately, I find myself being sad to see something's ending...especially when it happens in a hurtful way...
It supposed to be one-night-long destruction with a "new start" afterwards but it turned out to be all about l o v e, f r i e n d s and l e m o n a d e....
Being beautifully destroyed, I say NO, I don't think something has to be over before something new can begin...
pátek 3. února 2012
Charlie Brooker I'm all for sharing, but why the online obsession with revealing every detail of your life?
...You know how annoying it is when you're sitting on the train with a magazine and the person sitting beside you starts reading over your shoulder? Welcome to every single moment of your future. Might as well get used to it. It's an experience we'll all be sharing.
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